Why YOU should join the "T" Party

Due to unforeseen events, namely the phenomenon of Tea Parties taking place across the nation on April 15th, 2009, I have taken the liberty of renaming this blog "T" Party Headquarters. I originally chose the name Tea Party because of word play on "T" for third party and the concept of tossing things overboard. That said, please read on.

On December 16, 1773 the Sons of Liberty boarded three ships, the Dartmouth, Eleanor, and the Beaver, and dumped over 342 tea casks into Boston Harbor. Whether or not that event changed the world is subject to debate. Nonetheless, it did garner attention in both England and the Colonies. The Boston Tea Party also symbolizes rebellion against establishment. I wish to capitalize on the sentiment of rebellion and hopefully get the attention of the establishment. The esatblishment, in this case, is a Congress filled with Washington type, career politicians who no longer represent John Q. Public.

A serious third party in the United States faces some pretty unsurmountable obstacles such as share of voice, and lack of financial backing. My idea behind forming an ad hoc third party is actually quite simple; no party leadership, no need to get names on ballots, just a simple grassroots effort to vote out incumbents. Forget about political ideologies and/or loyalties, just dump all the bums overboard! Let's face it, there is no substantial difference between Democrats and Republicans--both parties are beholden to special interests, they both spend a ton of money they don't actually have and both parties routinely fill their pockets with tons of pork and earmarks. Right now, Congress has the worst approval rating in history and they aren't the least bit worried about getting re-elected. They just keep looking out for themselves and ignoring their social contract. Let's send them a message. Vote out all congressional incumbents, and keep voting them out, until they figure out how to actually represent "we the people".

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Moralless Airs of Moral Superiority

According to Wikipedia, "progressivism is a political and social term that refers to ideologies and movements favoring or advocating progress, changes, improvement, or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are." What a beautifully elegant representation of a bunch of hogwash. This definition implies that things must constantly be in flux in order for "progress, changes, improvement or reform" to take place and that the status quo is inherently flawed simply because it is the status quo. Progressivism also implies that all other political and social ideologies wish to simply "maintain things as they are." Therein lies the beginning of a belief in moral superiority.

I find a couple problems with progressivism that just don't allow me to accept it as a viable political or social model. The first is that it is rooted in a tautological concept. A logical tautology is a non clarification where all instances are true such as defining a color, red is red, or where a statement covers both the false and the true condition and therefore cannot be proven to be either false or true. For example, he will either win or not win. Thank you Mr. Obvious. The progressive movement, like eugenics, is rooted in evolution and natural selection. All change, whether good or bad for the individual, propels the group towards a better condition because the current condition is flawed. All changes to a flawed political/social system, whether good or bad for individuals, propel society towards a better condition because the current system is flawed. Natural selection is a tautology and therefore can never be proven or disproven. Why didn't they survive? They weren't the fittest. If they were the fittest, they would have survived. They will either survive or not survive. Again, thank you Mr. Obvious. The only real philosophical difference between evolution and progressivism is that evolution leaves survival decisions up to "chance" while progressives decide for themselves who should be the fittest. They apparently either know better than everyone else because they are "enlightened" or they have experienced life in a way that somehow uniquely entitles them to politically engage more than those who haven't had their same experiences. Should the poor or the rich survive? How about the white male v. any other gender or minority? We, the progressives, will decide based on our empathetic, enlightened world view.

The second problem for me is the lack of absolutes. Specifically, the lack of MORAL absolutes in a political/social sense. If one believes that change is inevitable and the status quo is flawed there can never be an absolute end, goal or moral with the exception of change itself. I find this reasoning faulty. Allow me to illustrate. A person is either pregnant or not pregnant, dead or not dead. These are absolutes. There just aren't degrees of pregnancy or death. Webster's defines moral as, "of, pertaining to, or concerned with the principle or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong." I find that progressivism accepts the first half about conduct, eg. political correctness, but not the latter half about right and wrong, eg. abortion.
What is a moderate stance on abortion? Does a fetus have rights or not? Lines must be drawn and absolutes established if a law is to be applied fairly.

Superiority is, "the quality or condition of being superior." When I put "moral" and "superiority" together, along with their definitions, I understand moral superiority to mean having a better understanding of right conduct and distinctions between right and wrong than others who just aren't as smart. Maybe 'arrogance' and/or 'intellectualism' could sum it up. Progressive superiority stems from empathy, "the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another." Progressives attempt to frame most debates in terms of empathy. We should all feel sorry for (insert predetermined "fittest" group here) and if you don't, then you are a (insert pejorative, ad hominem term here). This is the essence of a progressive air of moral superiority. The irony is that aside from advocating that the status quo is always flawed, change is always a desirable goal and their point of view is the only qualified, legitimate one in any debate, they have no moral absolutes. A moralless absolute air of moral superiority and I'm not going to let that oxymoron shut me up.

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